March 12, 2025 – Regular Board Meeting
Agenda – FINAL Post, 3/12/2025
Regular Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 4:15 p.m.
Board of Directors
2445 – 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134
The meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV and broadcast on television on Comcast 26 (standard-def) and 319 (hi-def), Wave 26 (standard-def) and 695 (hi-def), and Century Link 8008 (standard-def) and 8508 (hi-def).
To listen by phone, dial 206-800-4125 and use Conference ID 143 155 057#. This phone number and Conference ID will also be used by those who sign up to provide public testimony through the process described on the agenda below.
I. Call to Order – 4:15 p.m.
- General Welcome Announcement to Audience
- Roll Call
II. Superintendent Comments
III. Student Member Comments
IV. Board Committee and Liaison Reports
V. Progress Monitoring
- Progress Monitoring Training (Materials added 3/5/2025)
- Goal 3: College & Career Readiness Memo (Materials added 3/5/2025)
- Goal 3 Monitoring Presentation (Materials added 3/5/2025)
VI. Public Testimony
Public testimony will begin at or after 5:00 p.m.
Members of the public who wish to address the board in person or by teleconference may sign up online beginning Monday, March 10, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. The public testimony list will be posted Tuesday, March 11, 2025. Those who sign up online and are placed on the posted public testimony list may provide their testimony in person or by dialing 206-800-4125 and using Conference ID 143 155 057#. For information on how the public testimony list is created, please visit the Board’s website.
Testimony List
Order | Name | Topic |
1 | Arthur Neshmonin | HC |
2 | Chris Jackins | Consent item #2 Personnel Report; Consent item #5 $2.2 million increase in Eckstein Window Replacement project; Consent item #6 Final Acceptance of North Queen Anne School Upgrades project; Consent item #8 Board sponsorship of WSSDA policy positions |
3 | Sarah Sense-Wilson | CTE and Indian Education |
4 | Kristine Highlander | CSIPs |
5 | Alex Feldman | Advanced Learning |
6 | Robert Cruickshank | Enrollment and budget impact |
7 | Claire Abe | CDC Grant |
8 | Jie Lei | Hcc |
9 | Christal Lee | Funding |
10 | Matt Sussman | Highly capable education |
11 | Jessica Chong | Highly Capable FFEJ students |
12 | Stephanie Gove-Yin | Item 9 HCC |
13 | Laura Rose Murphy | Intersection of AL/HC & special educations services |
14 | Ari Ingalls | Save Seattle Option Schools |
15 | Rebekah Binns | Enrollment and adjustments |
16 | Eric Feeny | Time for Yes |
17 | Makena Gadient | CDC Grant |
18 | Laura Marie Rivera | Excellence in Education |
19 | Talia Tittelfitz | HCC Sunset |
20 | Isaura Jiménez Guerra | CDC Grant |
21 | Sarah Chadd | Highly capable services within the district, esp equity across areas. |
22 | Aedan Roberts | CDC funding |
23 | Gordon Macdougall | Native Boarding Schools – Curriculum |
24 | Alex Neshmonin | HC |
25 | Hans Kehl | HC |
Testimony Wait List
Order | Name | Topic |
1 | Kat Behrend | Supporting District Programs |
2 | Sidney Deering | Teacher PD |
3 | Grace Rooney | Option school access |
4 | Aidan Carroll | Native residential schools |
5 | Alexandria España | Boarding school education in schools |
6 | Christie Robertson | Staffing formula undermines inclusion |
7 | Adrian Raftery | Highly Capable programming |
8 | Casey Osborn | Pro HC at neighborhood schools |
9 | Lareina Redwoman | Boarding school resolution |
10 | Karen Emmerman Mazner | CDC Grant |
11 | Megan Wiebelhaus | Neighborhood Curriculum |
12 | Enrico Abadesco | Funding |
13 | Alicia Raftery | CDC funding/choice schools |
14 | Cherylynne Crowther | website erasure (and return after “maintenance”) |
15 | Wellsie Kinney | Student Mental Health |
16 | Arianna Arwamura | Highly capable programming at neighborhood schools |
17 | Shraddha Shirude | CEAs & Funding |
18 | Sebrena Burr | Kasserian Ingera “How are the children?” Student Safety; Student Outcomes; Accountability |
19 | Teofila SanJose | Defend Migrants Students and Families |
20 | Kim Gould | Value of High School librarians, to oppose cuts to them |
21 | Samantha Fogg | Goals and Guardrails |
22 | Oliver Mazner | Ready for Life goal |
23 | Nicholas España | Boarding school education in schools |
24 | John Romero | Indigenous Border Schools |
25 | ELIZABETH | CDC grant |
26 | Stephanie Rood | Save Student Options |
27 | Mark Peltier | Unea |
28 | Michael Hodel | Cascadia 2025-6 Grade 2 cohort |
29 | Audriana Mountha | CDC Grant |
30 | June Nho Ivers | Highly capable services |
VII. Business Action Items
A. Consent Agenda
Routine Approvals (Introduction & Action)
- Minutes of the February 12, 2025 Board Special Meeting, February 12, 2025 Regular Board Meeting, and February 26, 2025 Board Special Meeting
- Personnel Report
- Warrants Report – January 16 thru February 15, 2025
The following warrants as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.08, are approved for payment:
Fund | Payment Type | Amount |
General Fund | *Payroll | $96,428.37 |
General Fund | Vendor | $34,099,169.90 |
Capital Project Fund | Vendor | $21,481,267.79 |
Associated Student Body Fund | Vendor | $410,681.04 |
Expendable Trust Fund | Vendor | $22,500.00 |
Grand Total | All | $56,110,047.10 |
*Note – Payroll total reflects warrants issued to employees. It does not however, reflect cash transfer amounts in payment of employees’ Direct Deposit payroll.
Grants/Gifts, Contracts & Capital Projects Approvals (Introduction & Action)
- Approval of Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy Funding for Preschool Services for the 2025-2026 School Year. Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept FEPP Levy grant funds from the City of Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) in an amount up to $15,423,927.90 for the 2025-26 school year to continue expanding the operation of SPP classrooms, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions and enter into service agreements to accept the grant funds. Immediate action is in the best interest of the District.
- BEX V & BEX VI: Authorize the Superintendent to execute the Guaranteed Maximum Price amendment for the Eckstein Middle School Window Replacement project. Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment No. 2, revising the total sum for contract P5200 with Lydig Construction, Inc., to $12,363,346, plus Washington State sales tax, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
- BTA IV/BEX V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5167 with Optimus Construction and Development, Inc., for the North Queen Anne School Upgrades project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract P5167 with Optimus Construction and Development, Inc., for the North Queen Anne School Upgrades project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
- BEX V: Final Acceptance of PO 7800001993 with KCDA and Musco Sports Lighting LLC for the Van Asselt School Field Lighting project. Approval of this item would accept the work performed under PO 7800001993 with KCDA and Musco Sports Lighting LLC for the Van Asselt School Field Lighting project as final. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district.
Consent Agenda Items Previously Introduced
- Approval of Seattle School Board Sponsorship for Proposed Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) Positions. Approval of this item would approve the proposed Washington State School Directors’ Association positions to be submitted on behalf of Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors, as attached to this Board Action Report. (Updated Since Introduction)
B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
C. Introduction Items
- Annual Approval of Schools per WAC 180-16-220. Approval of this item would approve each school within the district, including those designated as Alternative Learning Experiences per WAC 392-121-182, and affirm that each has a Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) that is data driven and promotes a positive impact on student learning as required by WAC 180-16-220.
- Review and Approval of 2024-25 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Annual Plan Per Board Policy No. 2170. Approval of this item would approve the 2024-25 Career and Technical Education Annual Plan, as attached to this Board Action Report.
VIII. Interim Metrics for New Goals
- Presentation (Materials added 3/7/25)
IX. Highly Capable Services Update (Agenda item added 3/7/25, materials added 3/12/25)
X. Strategic Planning Update (Materials added 3/11/25)
XI. Informational Items
- Monthly Budget Status Report – January 2025
- Ad Hoc Policy Manual Review Committee Update (Materials added 3/12/25)
- Legislative Liaison Update (Agenda item added 3/11/25)
- Completed Internal Audits:
- McKinney Vento and Foster Care Students Enrollment Practices Audit (Materials added 3/5/2025)
- Nathan Hale High School Audit (Materials added 3/5/2025)
XII. Adjourn – 8:30 p.m.
Calendar Reminders
A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board calendar website.